New Delhi: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's aide Bibhav Kumar was arrested Saturday in connection with the alleged assault on AAP MP Swati Maliwal, even as the party claimed she was "blackmailed" by the BJP as she faces a corruption case. Kumar was picked up from the chief minister's residence by a Delhi Police team, a senior police officer said, a day after Maliwal recorded her statement before a magistrate at the Tis Hazari court.
Maliwal has alleged that the CM's aide attacked her with full force, slapping her in the face and kicking her in the chest and abdomen on May 13 when she had gone to meet the chief minister. A senior police officer said Kumar was arrested from the chief minister's residence on Saturday. The officer said Kumar had gone there in the morning to meet Kejriwal.
"He will be produced before a court and police will seek his custody for further interrogation," the officer said. Police said they have recorded the statement of at least 10 people, including security personnel and other staff at the chief minister's residence, who were present at the time of the alleged assault on May 13.
Meanwhile, the BJP accused AAP of resorting to victim-shaming and victim-blaming in its brazen defence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's aide Bibhav Kumar in the Swati Maliwal assault case. BJP national spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla alleged that Kejriwal is making efforts to protect Kumar as his aide is in a position to expose the chief minister's damaging "secrets".
In a swipe at the party, Poonawalla told reporters that AAP is essentially an "anti-aurat party (anti-women party)" as he cited past allegations of mistreatment of women involving its leaders. With AAP claiming that Maliwal is acting at the BJP's behest, Poonawalla cited another AAP leader and Delhi Commission for Women member Vandana Singh's support to the Rajya Sabha MP to hit out at the party.
Earlier in the day, Bibhav Kumar wrote to police, saying that he is ready to cooperate in their investigation, but they should also consider his complaint against Maliwal. On Friday, Kumar filed a police complaint, alleging Maliwal breached the security of the CM's residence to gain unauthorised entry on May 13 and created a ruckus there. The CM's aide also alleged that when he tried to stop her she hurled abuses at him.