Bhubaneswar: Sujata Raut Pandian’s journey as an IAS officer ran parallel to the birth and rise of the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) in Odisha. A 2000-batch officer, her career began the same year Naveen Patnaik was sworn in as Chief Minister, marking the start of the BJD’s two-decade-long dominance in the state. Over the years, Sujata rose through the ranks, becoming a key figure in the government’s administrative machinery, her career seemingly flourishing in tandem with the BJD’s uninterrupted rule. Her recent return to the Finance Department after a rejected six-month leave application has reignited discussions about her career trajectory, particularly in light of her husband V Kartikeyan Pandian’s fall from grace in BJD politics.
“After careful consideration, your leave application for extension of child care leave for a further period of 6 months w.e.f. 27.11.2024 is not acceded to” read the government notification asking her to join the service from Wednesday.
Kartikeyan Pandian, Naveen Patnaik’s Man Friday, wielded extraordinary power and controlled the state’s political and administrative scene like no other. Sujata’s rise to influential positions during the BJD era is often alleged to have been an extension of her husband’s dominance, making her a focal point in the ongoing tussle between the Mohan Majhi-led BJP government and the remnants of the previous regime’s power structure.
Once at the helm of Mission Shakti, Sujata played a pivotal role in the scheme’s expansion, mobilising 70 lakh women through six lakh self-help groups. While hailed as a transformative initiative, critics have alleged the scheme was used as a tool to strengthen the BJD’s vote bank, with Sujata at the center of the operation. Her prominence in Odisha’s corridors of power, combined with her husband’s brief yet impactful political stint, has brought her under scrutiny.
Mission Shakti Legacy and Controversies
As Secretary of the Mission Shakti Department, Sujata oversaw one of the state’s flagship programs, aimed at empowering women through self-help groups. However, ahead of the 2024 general elections, the Election Commission accused her of influencing voters, prompting her transfer to the Finance Department. The BJP accused the Mission Shakti Department under Sujata of using coercive tactics against self-help groups (SHGs), including threatening to withhold state financial benefits. The party alleged these measures were aimed at swaying women voters in favor of the BJD. Additionally, Mission Shakti faced charges of misusing the ECI’s SVEEP platform to further its outreach and political agenda. The Commission’s directive was seen as a significant blow to her once-unassailable position in Odisha’s bureaucracy. The BJP demanded her suspension citing, she was “actively participating in the elections as a front person of the BJD.”
Leave Controversy Fuels Speculation
Sujata sought a six-month leave (dated May 31, 2024), a few days before the results of the 2024 elections were declared on June 4, and granted retrospectively citing childcare as the reason. It stirred controversy when it was revealed the day after the 2024 election results, in which the BJD suffered a historic defeat. The timing raised questions about whether her leave was strategically planned to distance herself from the fallout, said verteran journalist Lingaraj Mishra. The Mohan Majhi government’s rejection of her leave extension is widely perceived as part of its broader effort to curtail the influence of officers closely aligned with the previous regime, he adds.