Cuttack: Sukanya Rath was chirpy and happy as she walked out of the examination centre on day one of the board examinations for class ten students that began on February 21. "I did well, the paper was too easy and I was fully prepared. Just that time management was a little tricky," she said upbeat and hopeful about the next paper a day later.
Binod Moharana, another student who came out of the centre, seemed a little nervous. Ask him how he fared and he shied away, mumbling, "not good, just ok types."
Moharana comes from an humble background and his father, a farmer, has sold his farmland to facilitate Binod's education. He does not want to disappoint his family as they have pinned a lot of hopes on him. "I am not stressed because I want to soar high in career. I am afraid, I may not be able to live up to my parents' expectations. They want me to be an engineer and take care of the family," he expresses. Hardly a 15-year-old, Binod carries the burden of hopes his parents have on him.
Shivangi Kuanr is an exception. "I have done as much as I had prepared. I cannot study like a book worm and for me academics is a stepping stone to a bright future, not the end of the world. I want to perform well, but certainly not to become a topper or 100 out 100 scorer," she boisterously says with her parents by her side.
Among the millions of students appearing the class ten examinations under the Odisha Government's Board of Secondary Education, there are many who fare exceptionally well, some average and others who do not perform their best. Important as exams are perceived as, it is natural for students - whether performers or not-so-good performers, to be anxious and tensed during examinations. But not to an extent that these tests become the defining factor of a life which is barely 15 or 16 years old.
80 per cent students have anxiety issues
Be it inflating percentages year on year, headache of clearing entrance exams, the increasing level of competition and other factors, all of it lead to exam stress and anxiety among students. A National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) survey 2022 had stated that around 80 per cent students in Classes 9-12 have anxiety issues before exams and results time.
Agree or no, parents with high expectations, competitive peer pressure, workload, the perceived importance of exams for future opportunities, and teachers who only talk of grades and rankings make things difficult for a student ultimately leading to stress. Accumulated stress turns volcanic and erupts in many unimaginable ways, warn experts.
According to Neuropsychiatrist, Dr Samrat Kar, many students visit him for counselling during exams. While some have trouble sleeping, others face exam anxiety, a few sweat for no reason, and others say they don’t remember anything during exams. "Students are anxious and so are their parents. Many times I have noticed parents comparing their child with someone who scores better and that remains etched on the minds of the children. This is a syndrome, parents need to shed off more than the children," he advises.
Nuclear Family Affects
Dr. Kar explains the other reasons. The shift towards nuclear families is also contributing to the mental stress among students. "Earlier, in joint families, the academic pressure was shared among many members in one household, some of who understood even though not all, easing the burden on the student," he says. Today, the child is under constant vigil of parents. "This affects and pressurises the child who goes to extremes - studies without sleep, proper food, or hydration leading to anxiety.
Radhika Samant was admitted to hospital a day before her exams. Doctors said, it was nothing but weakness and nervous breakdown. Though she could not express her feelings, her friends said she was seen too worried. "We had never seen Radhika being tensed for exams. But in the last few days, she stopped communicating and became an introvert. All that she kept saying was, she has to score high, lest her parents would send her to their native place," the friends stated.
Though symptoms of stress start showing, the child may not be aware. "There are times when the children do not wish to go the exam centre on the day of the exam. The parents should ensure that the child should not be forced to an extent that making him or her normal will be difficult," Dr. Kar warns. He advises students to change their way of life, think positive and be calm. One examination cannot define the purpose of life, so it is wise to prepare well in advance and take it easy.
Thankfully, Radhika appeared in the exams and her parents said, she has been doing well.
Handling forgetfulness
Many students forget the material they painstakingly study during exams, which only affects their stress level and in turn affects performance. Dr. Kar has an advice : "Relax before the exam by ensuring a light sleep of six to seven hours the night before, avoid fasting on the exam day, and have a positive attitude, have the confidence to do well." In case a student does not fare well in one exam, he or she should not dwell upon it rather focus on performing better in subsequent exams, he quickly adds.