Hyderabad: In a shocking incident recently, a hotel owner in Shamshabad was found secretly recording obscene videos using hidden cameras installed in hotel rooms. He used these recordings to blackmail couples, extorting money by threatening to expose the videos. His activities, spanning over a year, were finally uncovered, leading to his arrest.
In another incident, a woman discovered a spy camera in the trial room of a popular shopping mall in Hyderabad. When she reported it, the management offered an apology and compensation to keep the matter quiet.
The Reality of Exploitation
Such blackmailing incidents are not isolated. Hidden cameras are being increasingly used in hotels, trial rooms, and other private spaces, leading to severe exploitation. Unscrupulous individuals install these cameras to capture intimate moments, which are later used for blackmail or sold on pornographic websites.
These hidden cameras are often WiFi-enabled, allowing for continuous recording and cloud storage. They are difficult to detect, cleverly disguised as everyday objects like showerheads, light fixtures, or electrical outlets. Such devices are easily available online, with prices starting as low as Rs. 500.