Bengaluru:Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Sunday inaugurated the 22nd edition of Chitra Santhe and urged people to visit the art fair and support artists by purchasing their artwork. The event, organized by the Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath, features the theme of 'The Girl Child' this year. The theme aims to raise awareness about the need to stand in solidarity against the abuse of women and girls and promote their rights.
This year's Chitra Santhe is showcasing the works of around 1,500 artists from various parts of the country. A major highlight of the event is a 35-foot sculpture of a girl child's face, crafted from cardboard sheets. Siddaramaiah praised the Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath for its role in promoting the state's cultural heritage and traditions through art, calling the event a matter of pride for Bengaluru.
He said, "Artists from 22 states are participating in this Chitra Santhe. I haven’t seen such an event anywhere else in the world, and according to the organizers, there is probably no such event anywhere globally." The Chief Minister also noted that the Chitra Santhe provides a unique opportunity for people and art lovers to not only enjoy the artwork but also purchase it. "Around 4 lakh visitors attend this day-long event, and it’s a great chance for people to support artists by buying their work," he added.