Shravasti: A farmer of Barawa Hargun village of Sonwa police station area in Shravasti of Uttar Pradesh died on Saturday evening out of shock after being warned by the officials from the agricultural department to impose Rs three lakhs for burning stubble. The incident has stunned the family members of the deceased farmer, prompting his wife to lodge a complaint with the police demanding action against the officials.
The wife, Kaushalya Devi, said her husband, Ram Samjha, was burning stubble in the field near Lihare Purva when Rajkumar Verma, a technical assistant from the agriculture department, turned up. He said Samjha if he burnt stubble, a fine of Rs three lakhs would be slapped on him.
In her complaint, Kaushalya wrote that after this her husband started extinguishing the stubble. Then he sat down near the tree and suddenly fell to the ground. He died by the time people reached.