Shivamogga (Karnataka): In a shocking and heartbreaking incident in Shivamogga, Karnataka, a young man has been arrested for the brutal murder of his girlfriend, whose body was discovered buried in a forest area. The victim, identified as Soumya, a 27-year-old resident of Koppa, was reported missing by her family on July 3 after she failed to return home.
According to Shivamogga Superintendent of Police Mithun Kumar, the crime was committed by Sujan, a 25-year-old who worked as a fundraiser in a finance company. Sujan and Soumya’s relationship began while he was stationed in Tirthahalli. Despite Sujan’s subsequent job transfers to Honnali and later to Sagar, their relationship endured, with Soumya frequently travelling to visit him.
The relationship began to deteriorate when Soumya discovered that Sujan was involved with another woman. This revelation led to frequent arguments between the couple. On June 30, Soumya travelled from her hometown of Koppa to Sagar to address their troubled relationship and to discuss the possibility of marriage.
During her visit, Soumya confronted Sujan about their future and expressed her desire to marry him. However, Sujan, who was already involved with another woman, was resistant to this idea. The confrontation escalated into a heated argument. On July 2, Sujan took Soumya on his motorcycle from Sagar to a remote area in Ripponpet, under the pretext of discussing their issues further.
In a secluded spot, the argument between the two intensified. Sujan, enraged by the confrontation and Soumya’s insistence on marriage, physically assaulted her. Soumya fell unconscious due to the assault but regained consciousness shortly thereafter. In a fit of rage, Sujan strangled her to death. After committing the murder, Sujan transported her lifeless body in his car and buried it in a pit that had been dug for a JJM (Jal Jeevan Mission) project near the railway track in Mumbalu village, Anandapuram.
Soumya’s family reported her missing on July 3, leading to an investigation by the Koppa police. Despite efforts to locate her, there were no leads for about 20 days. The breakthrough came when investigators traced Soumya’s last phone call, which had been made to Sujan. Following this lead, Sujan was taken into custody and, during interrogation, confessed to the murder.
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