Pune:After the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) objected to the Chhatrapati Raja Ram Mandal's Ganesh mandal because of its depiction of the Shri Harmandar Sahib or the Golden Temple in Amritsar, both parties came to a consensus, and agreed that the Mandal be transformed into the Durgiana Mandir instead.
Two senior members of the SGPC visited Pune on Friday afternoon and met Chhatrapati Raja Ram Mandal office-bearers to decide on the matter. After checking the mandal premises they declared themselves impressed with the Durgiana Mandir mandal.
“This (Golden Temple) is a place of respect and faith for us,” Yuvraj Nimbalkar, president of Chhatrapati Raja Ram Mandal had said on Thursday afternoon.
Nimbalkar was elated after the issue which had lasted three days had been resolved. "This issue about a replica of the Golden Temple being constructed without permission in Pune has been put to rest. The Chhatrapati Raja Ram Mandal was clear that the dispute should not continue because we intended to respect the Sikh faith," he added.
As per sources, during the discussion with the SGPC, the Raja Ram Mandal was told to consider an alternative because the depiction of the Golden Temple would 'hurt religious sentiments'.