Pilibhit:A tragic road accident late Thursday night in Uttar Pradesh's Pilibhit claimed the lives of five individuals who were returning home from a wedding in Uttarakhand. According to Police, the group was travelling in an Ertiga car when it lost control and collided with a tree near the Shane Gul Marriage Hall. The impact caused parts of the tree to fall onto the vehicle, resulting in the fatalities.
The family was returning from the wedding of Husna Bi, a resident of Jamaur village in Uttarakhand, who was married to Anwar Ahmed of Chandoi village. The wedding festivities took place on Thursday, with attendees from various locations, including the bride's relatives from Uttarakhand. The celebrations ended around 10 PM and tragedy struck during their journey back home.
Eyewitnesses reported that, as the car approached the marriage hall vicinity, it suddenly veered off course, overturned into a ditch, and collided forcefully with a tree. The impact was so severe that it caused the tree to break, crushing the car beneath its weight. Local residents rushed to the scene shortly after the incident. Police also reached the spot.