Rupnagar:Police in Punjab's Rupnagar arrested a man for allegedly killing 11 persons in the past 18 months, officials said on Tuesday. The accused, identified as Ram Saroop alias Sodhi of village Chaura in Hoshiarpur district, was arrested on Monday in another case and during interrogation it came to light that he was a "serial killer", they said.
How did Ram Saroop trap victims?
Police said his victims were men whom he used to offer lift in his car, and then rob and kill if they resisted. Senior Superintendent of Police, Rupnagar, Gulneet Singh Khurana said that instructions were issued to police officers to solve the cases of heinous crimes in the district.
Who were his victims?
According to police, Ram Singh made his first victim on 24th January. Harpreet Singh alias Sunny, a resident of Mohalla Jagjit Nagar Rupnagar was murdered after being offered a lift in his car. The police found his dead body near Nirankari Bhavan in Rupnagar.
The second victim, 34-year-old Mukander Singh alias Billa a resident of Begampura Ghanoli village was found dead on 5th April. The deceased worked as a tractor repairer and the dead body was found at Panjehra Road village.