New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Monday stayed the trial against Tamil Nadu Rural Development Minister I Periyasamy in a corruption case. Senior advocate Kapil Sibal, representing Periyasamy, contended before a bench comprising justices Hrishikesh Roy and Prashant Kumar Mishra that the trial court said that there is a direction by the High court that witness must be cross-examined and trial must be over on day-to-day basis.
Sibal argued that even though the apex court granted liberty to his client to apply to the trial court for deferment of the trial, the application was declined and the court cited the Madras High Court’s direction to conclude the trial on or before July 31, 2024.
After hearing submissions, the apex court, in its order, said: “The liberty was given to the petitioner to make an application before the trial court for deferment of the trial since this court is seisin of the matter. Thereafter, the application was filed by the petitioner…the learned judge presiding over the additional special court under his order dated March 28, 2024, declined to defer the trial”