New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Monday stayed the conviction of Tamil Nadu Higher Education Minister K Ponmudi in connection with a disproportionate assets case against him. A bench of Justices Abhay S Oka and Ujjal Bhuyan also suspended the sentence of his wife P Visalakshi. Senior advocate Sidharth Luthra, representing the minister and his wife, said Ponmudi got a stay of sentence and conviction both, and his wife got a stay of sentence.
Advocate Pulkit Tare, also representing the minister and his wife, said that the apex court noted that it is a matter of reversal of conviction therefore, the matter has to be dealt with beyond reasonable doubt. Tare said the apex court also emphasised that overwhelming public interest is also involved in the matter because Ponmudi is a returned candidate and then re-election has to be done.
In January this year, the apex court had exempted them from surrendering in the matter. The minister and his wife have not been imprisoned yet as the High Court had suspended their sentence to allow them to move to the apex court.