Ayodhya: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath triggered a controversy on Thursday after drawing parallels between recent violence in Sambhal and Bangladesh to the demolition of the Ayodhya temple 500 years back. He said the three incidents have “the same DNA".
Speaking at the inauguration of the 43rd Ramayan Mela in Ayodhya, Adityanath said, “Remember what Babur’s man did in Ayodhya 500 years ago? The same thing happened in Sambhal, and the same is happening in Bangladesh.”
“The people who created divisions in our unity, their descendants are still here, and they continue to disrupt the society in the name of caste. Look at what the enemies in the neighbouring country are doing. Five hundred years ago, a commander of Babur did something in Ayodhya. The DNA of all three actions (Ayodhya, Sambhal, and Bangladesh) is the same," he said.
“Do not remain under any delusion. Some forces are present here, and they are fully prepared to cut you and make you bleed," he added.
“If someone believes that this is happening only in Bangladesh, then the same elements are here too waiting to hand you over. They have made full arrangements to break the social unity," he said.