New Delhi:Union Minister Smriti Irani said, the Ministry of Women and Child Development has approved Rs 272 crore for residential housing for girls and working women who are enrolled in Delhi University's postsecondary education program. It is made available through the Nirbhaya Fund.
She wrote on X, "The @MinistryWCD has sanctioned Rs. 272 crore for Residential Accommodation for girls and working women pursuing higher education at Delhi University under the Nirbhaya Fund. Aligned with PM @NarendraModi ji's vision of Viksit Bharat, this initiative empowers working women and girls pursuing higher education. This project will provide 1000 beds with enhanced security, CCTV surveillance and gender-sensitive amenities."
She added that the funds will be used to provide 1,000 beds at Delhi University's women's hostels with improved security, CCTV surveillance, and gender-sensitive amenities. Irani had declared on March 7 that she will donate money from the Nirbhaya Fund to Delhi University's women's dorms.
She made the news at Delhi University's north campus during the Vikas Bharat Ambassador-Nari Shakti Conclave.
Women's safety and empowerment is the resolution of the Modi government, Irani claimed. She added, "This step will help in empowering girl students and working women who are pursuing higher education. CCTV cameras will be installed in the hostel."