Chandigarh: In a horrifying mass murder reported from Haryana, a retired Army jawan murdered his mother, brother, sister-in-law and the couple's two children including an infant and burnt the bodies over a suspected land dispute in Haryana's Ambala on the intervening night of Sunday and Monday, police said.
The brutal mass murder took place at village Ratour under Narayangarh police station limits.
A police official said that they received information about the mass murder in the early hours of Monday. Acting on the distress call, a team of police rushed to the spot and found the half burnt bodies of the five family members from the spot. The accused is absconding in the case.
The slain include the accused's mother Saropi Devi (65), his brother Harish Kumar (35), brother's wife Sonia (32) and their two children—daughter Yashika (7) and 6-month-old son Mayank. Police said that the accused stabbed the victims with a sharp weapon leading to their on the spot death. According to preliminary investigation, the accused retired soldier identififed as Bhushan Kumar also tried to burn the bodies the same night after committing the mass murder.
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