Kota:Following Rajasthan Education and Panchayat Raj Minister Madan Dilawar objections to teachers using mobile phones in schools, authorities have banned the use of smartphones in government and private schools by staff in the Kota division of the state. According to the order issued by Joint Director School Education in this regard, teachers will have to deposit their mobile phones with the principal on reaching school.
The order warned that action will be proposed to the competent authority against the school staff and teachers under 'Rajasthan Civil Services Conduct Rules 1971' found using the mobile phone inside the school premises during school hours. All employees have been instructed to submit their mobile to the principal on reaching the school. The principal has also been instructed to keep the mobiles of the employees appointed in the school safely with him. The order said that if anyone is seen using a mobile in the school, action will also be taken against the Chief Block Education Officer, PEEO, UCEEO and Principal. While there will be a one-time relaxation for first time offenders, serial offenders will be strictly dealt with, the order said.