Hyderabad:The Raidurgam police on Tuesday busted a gang of eight people including police officials who allegedly posed as Crime Investigation Department (CID) officials of Andhra Pradesh and kidnapped three employees of a software company in Gachibowli for ransom. The officials seized as many as four cars, sixteen mobile phones, and Rs 35,000 in cash.
Police officials said that the accused hailed from Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and Hyderabad and a complaint was filed at the Raidurgam Police Station by Darshan Sugunakara Shetty, the director of the said firm, AJA ADS India Private Limited, which has a strength of over 40 employees and handles US IT hiring and IT support.
Madhapur Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Dr Vineeth G said the accused are Advocate Balinga Rahul, 33, Dadiboina Subba Krishna, 40, student Sandeep Kumar, 31, real estate agent Vijay Shekar, 32, ex-manager Akkera Ranjith Kumar, 47, Mahendra Kumar, 38, IT expert Shaikh Mohammed Abdul Qadir, 33, and Raghu Raju, 33.
It is understood that two police officials, who aided the gang, are on the run. "Initially, it was Mahendra and Ranjith, who devised a plot to demand a hefty amount from Shetty. Mahendra discussed it with a Kurnool police officer SI Sujan and then approached the IT company on January 26 under the pretence of being police agents," police sources said.