Bengaluru: In a devastating incident, a massive fire broke out at the government-run Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre (BBC) in the Electronic City area early Tuesday morning, officials said, causing an estimated loss of over ₹150 crore. Fortunately, no casualties were reported.
The fire, which erupted around 4:35 am in one of the labs on the second floor, was first noticed by a security guard. The guard promptly alerted the fire department, triggering a swift response. Four fire tenders were deployed, and firefighters managed to douse the flames after a five-hour operation.
"The preliminary estimation of loss sustained by startups ranged from Rs 80 crore to Rs 110 crore. The estimated loss to BBC properties was approximately Rs 42 crore. No loss to life," Karnataka Minister Priyank Kharge's office said in a statement. The minister who holds the Information Technology and Biotechnology portfolio said the fire mishap occurred on the second floor of the facility which was recently revamped to house more number of startups.
According to officials, the fire likely started due to either a chemical reaction or a short circuit. “The accident erupted in the Galore TX startup lab due to improper management of flammable solvents. Startups had been advised not to store large volumes of inflammable chemicals in their labs, but rather in designated storage areas,” said an official from the Department of IT and BT.
The fire completely gutted the second floor of the facility, which had recently been upgraded to accommodate more startups. Extensive damage also occurred on the first and ground floors due to interconnected HVAC lines, which facilitated the spread of the flames.
Among the critical facilities destroyed were the Bangalore Bio Bank, cleanroom areas, flow cytometry labs, and essential HVAC and AC units. Several startups operating within the centre faced severe losses, including Fermbox, Phyxx 44, Galore TX, Immunitas, and Yokogawa, among others. Equipment, consumables, and intellectual property were also severely impacted.
Kharge expressed his condolences and assured full government support. “It is heartbreaking to see years of hard work by our entrepreneurs reduced to ashes. We stand by their side and will do everything to help them rebuild and recover. My gratitude goes to the Fire & Emergency Services team for their swift action,” he said during his visit to the accident spot.
The Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre, known as a state-of-the-art hub for life science startups, has been instrumental in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. The incident has been a major setback for the ecosystem, but efforts are already underway to investigate the cause and rebuild the facility.
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