New Delhi:The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has said that a production executive in Kollywood, Lingam A alias Adilingam, was working as a key operative to revive the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). In a chargesheet filed by the NIA with a case related to RC–29/2022/NIA/DLI, the anti-terror agency, has said that Lingam was a key operative of the major LTTE leaders and cadres and drug traffickers, including Gunasekaran and his son Thilipan, both citizens of Sri Lanka.
Lingam is the 14th accused to be charge-sheeted in the case, in which 16 persons have been charged as the accused so far. Lingam has been charged with conspiring and acting to revive the proscribed terrorist organisation through illegal trade in narcotic drugs and arms. Lingam had also acted as an agent for the collection of hawala money obtained from the sale of narcotic drugs, which were being further distributed to promote LTTE activities.
In the supplementary chargesheet filed before the Special Court for NIA Cases and Sessions Court for exclusive trials of bomb blast cases at Poonamallee in Chennai by its Kochi branch, the agency has elaborated on the role of Lingam in the entire conspiracy.