Hyderabad:The Rachakonda police are consulting experts from other parts of the country to crack the case of an ex-serviceman allegedly killing his wife, dismembering her body and boiling the parts in a pressure cooker. The officials are faced with a challenging situation as they are yet to recover the woman's mortal remains, though the suspect, Gurumurthy, had already been picked up.
Addressing a press conference, Rachakonda Police Commissioner G Sudheer Babu said the issue is still being treated as a "missing case." "She (the wife) was not seen for sometime. So a case has been registered. Since she is missing and later on this kind of information has come up to us, we are working on that. There is no body (found) so far. So there is a different way of investigating the case."
"As of now, it is a missing case. We are investigating the case and we are involving experts not only from our state but also other parts of the country," he said. The senior official refused to elaborate on the case and said the police teams are in the process of collecting evidence. The parents of the woman raised suspicion on the woman's husband, a police official had earlier said.