Chennai:Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Wednesday accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of speaking the language of the opposition and targeting the Congress party as if it was the ruling party at the Centre. On his arrival here from Spain, completing his foreign tour to attract investments, Stalin said investment commitments to the tune of Rs 3,440 crore have been made by several companies during his visit abroad and that showed the confidence of multinational firms in Tamil Nadu and the DMK regime.
Speaking to reporters, he said the "Lok Sabha election is round the corner and further visits to attract investments may be scheduled only following the polls." Asked about Prime Minister Modi's address in Parliament, Stalin said he 'saw, read, enjoyed and laughed' at it. Modi, ever since he assumed power, has been speaking continuously as if the 'BJP is in the opposition and the Congress is the ruling party.' The Prime Minister behaved as if he was an opposition leader and attacked the Congress which was a 'puzzle,' that could not be understood, the chief of the ruling DMK alleged.
To a question on Modi's comment that the National Democratic Alliance would cross the 400-seat mark, he said he would not be surprised if the Prime Minister were to make a remark that the NDA would go on to win all the 543 seats in the Lok Sabha. "Is the total (number of LS segments) only 400? There are 543 constituencies and there will be no surprise if he says he will (the BJP/NDA) win them all." On February 5, Prime Minister Modi predicted that the BJP will "definitely" get 370 seats and the ruling NDA will cross 400 seats in the Lok Sabha polls as he tore into the Congress, saying its "shop" is on the verge of closure.