Nellore: In a significant gesture in 2020, renowned playback singer late SP Balasubrahmanyam handed over his residence in Nellore’s Tipparajuvari Street to Kanchi Peetham for establishing a vedic school. Responding to the request from Kanchi Peetham, Rs 10 lakh was allocated to make the necessary modifications and provide essential facilities to the house.
Despite Balasubrahmanyam’s heartfelt message to continue the 'Veda-Nada' campaign, the residence he donated remains unused and a full-fledged vedic school has not been established even after five years.
The vedic school, which was initially set up with ten students in this residential property, faced difficulties due to inadequate facilities. The students were forced to study in a makeshift shed on the roof, making it difficult to sustain the school. As a result, the students were transferred to another school.