Sambhal:Following the violence in Sambhal, the police have intensified their actions against the suspects and accused individuals. On Monday, the police raided 13 houses in the Deepa Sarai area, conducting a search operation that lasted for about three hours in the locality of SP MP Zia ur Rehman Barq. During the raid, a large quantity of smack, pistols, and cartridges were recovered. Several people were also detained.
Police Intensify Raids In UP's Sambhal, Recover Smack, Pistols And Detain Suspects
Police raided 13 houses in Sambhal's Deepa Sarai area, recovering smack, pistols, and cartridges, while detaining several suspects linked to recent violence.
Published : Dec 9, 2024, 8:45 PM IST
|Updated : Dec 9, 2024, 10:23 PM IST
The police raids are part of the ongoing investigation into the violence, targeting individuals named in the police inquiry. The operation was led by SP Krishna Kumar Vishnoi, ASP Shrishchandraand CO Anuj Chaudhary, along with personnel from two police stations and the RAF-RRF. The officers formed teams that raided different locations in the area.
SP Krishna Kumar Vishnoi confirmed that 13 houses were raided based on information from an informant. Suspicious items were found in three of these houses. Notably, 93 packets of smack were recovered from the house of Mulla Arshad, with the recovery made in the presence of a magistrate. Additionally, a 315-bore pistol was found at Tajwar’s house, and another 315-bore pistol with two cartridges was recovered from Mewar’s house. Several individuals from these houses have been detained for questioning. During the operation, three dozen vehicles were fined, and four vehicles were seized.