Hyderabad:Hyderabad Police have launched extradition efforts for two prime accused, former OSD of Telangana Special Intelligence Branch (SIB), T Prabhakar Rao, and TV channel executive, Aruvula Shravan Rao, in the illegal phone-tapping case. The two are presently in the US.
A detailed report requesting extradition of the duo has already been forwarded to the Union Home Ministry via the CID, officials said. The next step involves the Ministry of Foreign Affairs forwarding the request to the US government. While this process may take time, officials are determined to assess every avenue to bring the accused to justice in Hyderabad.
Illegal immigration and absconding
Following the registration of a case on March 10, 2023, at the Panjagutta police station, alleging illegal phone tapping during the SIB's tenure, DSP Dugyala Praneet Rao was arrested. The following day, Prabhakar Rao fled to Aurora in Illinois, while Shravan Rao first traveled to London and then to Miami in Florida.
Police investigations revealed that Prabhakar Rao holds a US green card, whereas Shravan Rao, whose visa has expired, is now classified as an illegal immigrant. Neither has applied for visa renewal at the Telangana Regional Passport Office.