Jaipur:Following the tragic death of five-year-old Aryan after falling into an open borewell in Kalikhad village, the Dausa district administration has ordered for capping of all defunct and open borewells and wells in the district to avoid such incidents in future. The district administration has also sought information on open borewells and wells located on private and government lands in the district.
The Bahravkhand tehsildar of Dausa on Thursday wrote to all the subordinate officers to identify open borewells and wells in the taluka and cap or close them. He has also asked the officials to submit an action taken report.
Meanwhile, State Disaster Relief Force (SDRF) Commandant Rajendra Singh Sisodia has appealed to the people to inform the SDRF Control Room, Jaipur, by calling the helpline 0141-2759903/ 8764873114 if they come across any open or abandoned borewells in their areas. He also requested people to send pictures of the open borewells along with the name of the village, tehsil and jurisdictional police station for SDRF to coordinate with the local administration and take necessary action.