Chandigarh:The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has announced a bounty of Rs 5 lakh on “absconding” gangster Harpreet Singh, alias Happy Passia over his alleged involvement in grenade attacks on a house in Chandigarh and police stations in Punjab.
According to the agency, Passia is a gangster based in the United States and is accused of masterminding grenade attacks.
The NIA has filed an application in the Chandigarh District Court seeking an arrest warrant against Passia in connection with the hand grenade attack on a house in Sector 10, Chandigarh, on September 11 last year. A hearing on the plea is expected on January 9.
A NIA spokesperson said that investigations into the Sector-10 attack revealed that Passia orchestrated the assault while working for Pakistan-based Khalistani operative Harvinder Singh Rinda of Babbar Khalsa International, which has been declared a terrorist organisation by the MHA.
The grenade attack, which targeted former Jalandhar SP Jaskirat Singh Chahal and his family, was carried out by two individuals, Rohan and Vishal Masih, who fled the scene after hurling the grenade. Passia later claimed responsibility for the attack on social media.
The agency has shared contact numbers for the public to provide information about Passia via telephone, WhatsApp, or email.