Thane: A newborn girl has been found abandoned at the doorsteps of a woman's house in Maharashtra's Thane city, police said on Tuesday. The 29-year-old woman told the police that while she was in the kitchen of her house at Sainath Nagar in Louis Wadi area on Sunday night, she heard cries of a child. When she went out, she found the baby girl lying on her doorsteps, an official from Wagle Estate police station said.
Newborn girl found abandoned outside house in Thane
A newborn baby was discovered abandoned at the doorsteps of a person's home in Thane, Mumbai. The child is under medical care. The authorities were alerted immediately, and a case under IPC 317 has been filed.
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Published : Feb 6, 2024, 9:37 AM IST
The woman alerted the police who reached her house and shifted the baby to the Thane Civil Hospital, he said. Based on the woman's complaint, a case was registered under Indian Penal Code section 317 (exposure and abandonment of child under 12 years by parent or caretaker), the official said. Efforts were on to trace the child's parents, the police said.
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