Imphal: Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Thursday said the newly recruited personnel of the 10th and 11th India Reserve Battalion (IRB), who recently concluded training in Assam, would undergo specialised exercise so that they can be deployed for highway protection and handling the law and order situation.
During a visit to the Manipur Police Training Centre at Pangei in Imphal East district, the CM said the recruits would undergo specialised training at this centre before being deployed across the state.
"They will undergo specialised training at Pangei where they will be taught how to handle law and order situation. If the personnel are deployed in various police stations now, their morale may be down. So, we decided to keep them at one place and use their services wherever and whenever needed," the CM said.
"Some of them will be used for highway protection, while others will be used to tackle law and order situation," Singh added. Singh also said many of the police personnel will undergo refresher courses, and arrangements for procuring new gear for mob control have been made.
The CM said construction and maintenance work at the battalion headquarters of 10th and 11th IRB at Nungba and Saivom are also going on currently, he said.
"Police are the backbone of society and cannot be demoralised. Many of them will undergo refresher courses to improve their physical fitness and mob control with full gear. Their identity needs to be protected also," Singh added.
Singh also requested recruits' parents not to approach ministers and MLAs for transfers and allow them to serve the state and nation.
"Today, I visited the Manipur Police Training Centre at Pangei to inspect the newly constructed barracks, which will soon be utilised for training purposes. Given the current law and order situation in the state, the newly recruited constables will undergo specialised training. This step is essential to enhance the strength and readiness of our police force to ensure safety and security across Manipur," he posted on X.
"We are committed to equipping our police personnel with the best facilities and training to meet any challenges," Singh said. He also said houses are being made for internally displaced persons (IDPs) who are staying in schools and colleges.