Hyderabad: Investigation by the Telangana CID has revealed the role of the main kingpin named Danny behind the Myawaddy crime syndicate, which lures Indian youth to Myanmar and commits cyber crimes in the name of data entry operator jobs, sources. The role of the kingpin was revealed after the Telangana CID arrested two youths from the Jagtial district to the Myawaddy area on the Thailand-Myanmar border.
Danny's name surfaced during the interrogation of one of the arrested accused Manoj Tomar from Madhya Pradesh. An official associated with the investigation of the case, said Tomar, who told the CID investigation that Danny had cheated him through WhatsApp, has handed over WhatsApp data related to Danny to the investigating officers.
Based on the inputs by the accused Tomar, the CID officials wrote to WhatsApp authorities to find out who Danny was, added the official. However, it is learnt that the WhatsApp account used by Danny in the past has become a hindrance to the investigation as it currently needs to be fixed owing to some technical glitches.
In this background, it is believed that only if Danny is found, the investigation of the Myawaddy crime syndicate case can progress. It remains to be seen whether Danny has a role in the case of arresting youths from Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and other parts of the country. The crime syndicate came to light when in 2022, two job aspirants from the Jagtial district were tricked by a WhatsApp user named 'Aryamuttu'.
Aryamuthu, who said he was from Thailand, tricked the youth by promising them a job with a salary of Rs 1.5 lakh per month abroad. He completed the interview through WhatsApp and announced that they were selected, promising he would send flight tickets along with visas. Later, accused Manoj Tomar sent the two youths to Thailand.
After being caught at Bangkok Airport, the capital of Thailand, the crime syndicate forced them both to Myanmar across the Moi River. After facing many difficulties, they were able to transfer the amount of money requested by the crime syndicate through their family members online. Later, based on the two youth's complaints, Tomar was arrested and interrogated in Madhya Pradesh, and Danny's role came to light in the case as the main kingpin.
- Read more: Telangana CID busts gang issuing fake passports to foreign nationals
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