Nandyala (Andhra Pradesh):In a gruesome incident, three minors raped an eight-year-old girl and later threw her into a nearby canal. This horrifying event took place in the Nandyala district of Andhra Pradesh. According to the police, the girl, who is from Pagidyala mandal, went missing three days ago. Her father reported her disappearance to the nearest police station, prompting a search operation.
The police detained three minors during their investigation. During questioning, the accused admitted to taking the girl from a park to the Handri Neeva Sujala Sravanthi Lift Irrigation Scheme approach canal, where they raped her. Fearing the crime would be discovered, they pushed her into the canal.
The search for the girl has been going on for the third consecutive day. NDRF teams have been carrying out excavation work in the approach canal. Local fishermen have also been searching with nets, and swimmers have been deployed in the area. Despite these efforts, the girl has not yet been found. The accused revealed that they dumped the girl near the pump house, leading search efforts to focus on that area.