Varanasi: A six-year-old girl was kidnapped and raped during a wedding procession in the Rohania area of Varanasi on Monday night. The perpetrator dumped the girl in bushes near the railways track and fled the spot. The distraught minor girl was found blood-soaked. The accused has been arrested.
According to the police, a wedding ceremony took place in a village under the Rohania Police Station area on Monday night. People from the vicinity reached the venue to see the fireworks in the wedding procession. The victim was also among the spectators. A young man who came in the wedding procession picked up the girl on his bike on the pretext of giving her chocolates.
He took her to the bushes outside the village towards the railway crossing and started doing indecent acts. After this, he left her in the bushes and fled. When the family started looking for her, they found her unconscious and with bloodstains in the body. The police were informed immediately.