New Delhi: In a tragic incident, a doctor from Punjab who had topped NEET-UG 2017 allegedly died by suicide in Delhi, the police said on Sunday. The deceased was identified as Dr Navdeep Singh, a second-year MD student at Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC), Delhi.
Navdeep had achieved an All India Rank 1 in the NEET UG exam 2017. He had completed his MBBS from MAMC and was pursuing his PG in Radiology. According to the police, the body was found in his room and no suicide note was found on the spot.
Officials said that at 7.10 am on Sunday they were informed about the incident. On receiving the information, they reached the spot and started an investigation into the incident.
They said that when Navdeep was not picking up the phone, his father sent a friend to see him. When the friend reached the room of the deceased, he found the door locked from inside.
When the door was broken, he found Navdeep dead. The deceased was originally a resident of Muktsar Sahib in Punjab. The police said that currently, the cause for taking the extreme step is yet to be ascertained. The investigation into the incident is underway, officials said.