Lakhimpur Kheri (Uttar Pradesh):In a heart wrenching incident, a family outing turned fatal as four members of the same family died by drowing and one was rescued by the loclas while bathing in the Ghaghra River in the Lakhimour Kheri district of Uttar Pradesh.
The victims identified as Sushila Srivastava (45), Satyam (25), Priya (16), and Kanha (10), succumbed to the strong currents of the river, leaving the community in mourning.
Police said that Sushila, a junior clerk in the sugarcane department and a resident of the Idgah locality in Lakhimpur city was visiting her maternal home in Teliyar village, accompanied by her children Satyam, Priya, Kanha, and Naini. The serene atmosphere of the river enticed the children to take a dip in its waters. However, tragedy struck when Kanha ventured into the river, and the swift current quickly engulfed them.