Jalna (Maharashtra):Maratha reservation activist Manoj Jarange Patil has yet again launched a hunger strike from today demanding issuance of Kunbi caste certificates for all Marathas entitling them to benefits earmarked under OBC quota. The hunger strike was started at Antarvali village in Maharshtra's Jalna this morning.
Last month, the state government had issued a notification to provide Kunbi certificates to the blood relatives (sage soyare) in the family tree. However, deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis had said that the certificates would be issued only after proper records are furnished by the applicant.
Fadnavis's statement raised doubts among the community members over the government's intention of providing certificates to all Marathas. On January 31, Patil announced to launch an indefinite hunger strike from February 10 demanding Kunbi certificates for all Marathas.