Bhandara: A 60-year-old man was killed by a tiger on Thursday in Maharashtra's Bhandara district, a forest department official said. The incident took place in the morning in Savarla village in Pauni forest range when the deceased had gone to collect 'mahua' flowers, he said.
Man killed by tiger in Bhandara in Maharashtra
A man was killed by a tiger on Thursday in Maharashtra's Bhandara district. The incident took place in the morning in Savarla village in Pauni forest range.
Man killed by tiger in Bhandara in Maharashtra
Published : Apr 4, 2024, 9:13 PM IST
"He had gone two to three kilometres into the forest from the main road. We have asked people in the vicinity to be careful and to venture into the forest in groups. The area is being monitored to prevent such incidents," Deputy Conservator of Forests (Bhandara) Rahul Gavai said.