Suri (WB):West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Sunday said that "an incident was made to happen" in Sandeshkhali and blamed it on the BJP for having it scripted along with the Enforcement Directorate (ED) and the media. Banerjee, also the Trinamool Congress supremo, also said that not a single woman in Sandeshkhali has lodged any FIR and it was she who had directed the police to initiate a suo motu case in this connection.
Since the first week of February, villages in Sandeshkhali area in North 24 district have witnessed protests over allegations of sexual atrocities on women and land grabbing by TMC leaders. "An incident has happened (in Sandeshkhali). It was made to happen. First, they (BJP) sent the Enforcement Directorate (ED), and then ED's friend, the BJP entered Sandeshkhali along with some media which started creating hullabaloo, Banerjee said.
The BJP is trying to create disturbance in West Bengal, the chief minister alleged while speaking at a public distribution programme organised by the state government at Suri in Birbhum district. "Not a single woman (from Sandeshkhali) has lodged any FIR. It was me who directed the police to lodge a suo motu case. Our block president has been arrested," she said.
The TMC supremo attacked the BJP, questioning whether the party has taken any action against any of its tainted leaders. The police have so far arrested 18 people including local TMC leader Shibaprasad Hazra and Uttam Sardar in connection with the incidents of violence at Sandeshkhali. They have also added sections of 'gangrape' and 'attempted murder' against three of the prime accused, one of whom is still absconding.
The sections were added after a victim woman recorded her statement before a magistrate under Section 164 of the CrPC. Banerjee said that she would be sending her officers to Sandeshkhali who would talk to the locals there to find out if the complaints were genuine. "In Bengal, if people are tortured, we take action. I am sending officers who will listen to the people and if it is found that someone has taken things from them, they will get back everything. It's my promise," the chief minister said.