Kolkata:West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday claimed that Aadhaar cards of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and minority communities of the state are getting deactivating ahead of the Lok Sabha elections while alleging that it is a precursor to the implementation of the National Register of Citizens (NRC).
Addressing a press conference at the state secretariat, Banerjee said that she would write to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in connection with the Aadhaar row. "Why have so many Aadhaar cards been deactivated before the Lok Sabha? Aadhaar cards of mostly the Matua community have been deactivated. Also, cards of the STs and minorities are being deactivated," she added.
"We will take necessary action. If needed we will issue a separate card so that nobody is deprived of any of our social welfare schemes," the chief minister said while announcing the launch of a separate portal to deal with such grievances.
"The Aadhaar Grievances Portal of the Government of West Bengal will start operating from tomorrow for all those whose Aadhaar cards have been deactivated. This is Bengal and not Delhi. Elections cannot be won with hooliganism here. Communal issues cannot be raised with the help of media here. The people should use this portal and inform us about their Aadhaar card deactivation. Separate cards will be given to them so that nobody stops receiving the benefits of the state welfare schemes," she said.