Chennai:The Madras High Court has directed the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Tiruvallur to visit Central Prison-I, Puzhal here and meet the remand prisoner Jeyanthan, who was allegedly brutally attacked by the prison authorities, conduct an enquiry, record his statement and submit a report along with his opinion on or before December 17.
A division bench comprising Justices S M Subramaniam and M Jothiraman gave the directive while passing orders recently on a petition filed by Ananthi, mother of the remand prisoner. The bench said the statement was to be obtained not in the presence of the jail authorities, including the Superintendent of Prison.
The bench said the counsel for the petitioner submitted that the mother of the prisoner received information through an advocate on October 17, 2024, that her son/prisoner, Jeyanthan, was beaten by police officer Prashanth Pandian, on October 16 and got severely injured. He was unconscious and not taken to the hospital for treatment.
The petitioner immediately went to Puzhal Prison to meet her son on October 18 and she was shocked to see her son injured on his face, above right eye. When the petitioner asked about the injury, he was nervous and did not say anything to the petitioner. The counsel further submitted that a police officer was standing near the prisoner, the bench added.