Gwalior: The Atal Bihari Vajpayee Para Sports Centre here in Madhya Pradesh is set to feature India's second heated swimming pool after Delhi. The Rs 5 crore heated swimming pool project aims to provide para-swimmers with warm waters for training during harsh winters, allowing them to maintain their practice schedules and compete more effectively.
Named after late Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the centre was established in Gwalior at a cost of Rs 170 crore as India’s first training facility for para-athletes, and already boasts an Olympic-standard swimming pool.
The upgrade
According to officials, the upgrade, at a cost of 5 crore rupees, will ensure that swimmers can avoid challenges such as cold-water-induced hypothermia, a significant risk during winter training. Also, it will provide athletes with favourable conditions to practice round the year.