New Delhi:Two educational institutes in the national capital received bomb threat e-mails on Wednesday, Delhi Fire Services said. "We received two different bomb threat calls from Lady Shree Ram College (sic) at 11.40 am. Another bomb threat call was received from Tagore International School in the East of Kailash area at 11.17 am," an official told PTI.
He said teams were immediately rushed to the site, but nothing suspicious was found. A dog squad and bomb disposal squad were part of the teams rushed to the spot immediately. "We have formed multiple teams to identify the e-mail sender. Further investigation into the matter is underway," a police officer said.
Mallika Preman, the principal of Tagore International School in East of Kailash, said the school has been closed for winter vacation and no students were on the premises. "The authorities promptly alerted the police. The police conducted a thorough search of the entire school, but no suspicious items were found. They are now working to trace the e-mail address from which the threat was sent," Preman said.
There was no immediate response from the Lady Shri Ram College. The e-mail warned the school of "massive and highly dangerous explosives" on its premises. "Your lack of strict bag checks for students entering the school has provided us with the perfect opportunity to carry out our plan," the e-mail, shared by police sources, read.