Chandigarh/Delhi: The BJP on Tuesday April 16 released another list of candidates including two women for the Lok Sabha elections in Punjab. In the latest list of candidates, the BJP has fielded former Akali Minister Sikandar Singh Maluka's daughter-in-law Parampal Kaur Sidhu, a retired IAS officer, from Bathinda opposite Harsimrat Kaur Badal, wife of Akali Dal president Sukhbir Badal, who has been a three-time member of parliament.
Candidates from Hoshiarpur and Khadur Sahib: Union Minister Somprakash's wife Anita Somprakash has been given a ticket from Hoshiarpur. Currently, Somprakash is the Member of Parliament from this seat. However, due to his poor health, his wife has been made a candidate. Besides, the BJP has fielded Manjit Singh Manna Mianwind from Khadur Sahib.
Earlier, on March 30, the BJP released the first list of six Lok Sabha candidates from Punjab. These candidates include Sushil Rinku, who left AAP, from Jalandhar, Ravneet Singh Bittu, who left Congress, from Ludhiana, Praneet Kaur, who left Congress, from Patiala, Hansraj Hans from Faridkot, Dinesh Babbu from Gurdaspur and Taranjit Singh Sandhu from Amritsar.