Lucknow: A court on Monday, August 5, sentenced 10 people to life imprisonment in the Gudri Bazaar triple murder case here, after a whopping 16 years of trial. Additional District Judge Pawan Kumar Shukla also imposed a fine of around ₹1.25 lakh on the convicts named Ijlal Qureshi, Afzal, Maharaj, Kallu alias Kalua, Ijhar, Munnu Driver alias Devendra Ahuja, Wasim, Rizwan, Badruddin, and Sheeba Sirohi. They are currently behind the bars.
A large contingent of police and PAC was deployed at the court during the proceedings. Nobody was allowed to enter without checking. Additional District Government Counsel Mukesh Mittal said that the court found the convicts guilty on Friday, August 2.
There are now two deceased suspects in the case: Israr and Majid. While Parvez's appeal is still pending in the Allahabad High Court, Shammi, another accused, is incarcerated and his trial is on.
The case began on May 23, 2008, when the bodies of three young people were discovered at Balaini, near the Hindon River, on the boundary between the districts of Baghpat and Meerut. They were recognized as Puneet Giri of Parikshitgarh Road, Sudhir Ujjwal of Sirsali, Baghpat, and Sunil Dhaka of Jagriti Vihar.