Rudrapur:Nearly 31 labourers were injured, five of them in critical condition, when their pickup van overturned after colliding with a bus in Uttarakhand's Udham Singh Nagar district on Tuesday, police said. The bus driver and the contractor of the labourers were taken into custody for questioning while the five critically wounded labourers were referred to Haldwani.
The accident took place in Pantnagar police station area when the labourers were on their way to work. The pickup van reached Matkota turn when it rammed into a bus coming from Haldwani. Following the collision, the pickup van overturned leaving 31 labourers injured.
On information, teams from Pantnagar and Sidkul police station reached the spot and took the injured to the district hospital with the help of locals. However, five of the labourers were stated to be in critical condition and referred to Haldwani hospital.