New Delhi: A special court in Kolkata has ordered the confiscation of assets worth Rs 24 crore of a man, who was declared a fugitive economic offender, and some others in a bank loan fraud case, the ED said on Thursday. The movable and immovable properties, located in prime locations of Kolkata in West Bengal and Tiruppur in Tamil Nadu, belong to "mastermind" Pushpesh Kumar Baid and his associates.
Baid was declared an offender under the Fugitive Economic Offenders Act (FEOA) by the same court on January 3, the federal agency said in a statement. The Enforcement Directorate case against Baid and others stems from multiple CBI FIRs and chargesheets. He is currently stated to be based in the US. The ED alleged that Baid was "absconding" from the legal proceedings despite a non-bailable warrant being issued against him by the court.