Kochi:The Kerala High Court on Tuesday allowed the bail plea of prominent businessman Boby Chemmanur who has been arrested and is in judicial custody in a sexual harassment case filed against him by a female Malayalam actor. "Allowed," the case status of the plea on the High Court website said.
Justice P V Kunhikrishnan while hearing the businessman's bail plea, noted that Chemmanur's passport was already deposited in court and that he would be available to the police during its investigation. "Will pass a detailed order by 3.30 pm," the judge said.
During the hearing, the court also said it cannot be said that Chemmanur's remarks about the female actor did not have "double meaning". "We cannot say there is no double meaning," the court said. It also pointed out that certain averments made in the bail plea regarding the actor's professional skills and competence were also "insulting".
The prosecution opposed the bail plea, claiming that almost all of Chemmanur's social media posts carried sexually coloured remarks.
It contended that granting him relief would send a wrong message to society. The court, on the other hand, said that a message had already gone to the society as the businessman had been in judicial custody since January 9. He was arrested from Wayanad on January 8.
Chemmanur, currently lodged in the District Jail here, approached the High Court after the Ernakulam Judicial First Class Magistrate Court-II denied him bail on January 9 and sent him to judicial custody for 14 days.