Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir): The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has initiated an investigation into the distressing case of Azad Yousuf Kumar, a Kashmiri man who found himself unwittingly embroiled in the Russia-Ukraine conflict after being deceived by false promises by job consultancy firms. The agency has recorded statements from his family members in connection with the ongoing probe.
In a recent development, the CBI revealed that it had filed a First Information Report (FIR) against 19 individuals and visa consultancy firms suspected of exploiting Indian youth, including Azad Yousuf Kumar. The agency has been meticulously gathering evidence to unveil the intricate web of human trafficking and exploitation.
Azad's elder brother, Sajad Ahmed Kumar, said that the CBI had questioned him extensively regarding his brother's situation and had requested his presence at their New Delhi office for further inquiries. However, due to prevailing financial constraints, Sajad was unable to comply immediately.
Sajad further revealed that the families of 12 other Indian men, similarly ensnared in this harrowing ordeal, have been contacted by the CBI. These families echoed a unanimous plea for the safe repatriation of their loved ones trapped in the conflict zone.
The ordeal began when Azad, a 31-year-old engineering graduate from Pulwama, aspired to seek job opportunities in Dubai. However, he was led astray by deceptive promises, ultimately finding himself entangled in the war as a mercenary for the Russian army. His family recounted the heart-wrenching circumstances at the Ukraine border, underscoring their desperate appeal to the government for Azad's safe return.
According to the family, Azad departed for Dubai on December 14th last year, enticed by the promises made by a YouTuber named Faisal Khan. Little did he fathom that his journey would culminate in a perilous engagement in a foreign conflict zone, the family said.
The CBI's intervention follows its dismantling of a human trafficking network on March 8th, which was clandestinely funneling Indian individuals into the war zone. The agency has identified key facilitators, including agents operating from Russia, involved in orchestrating this reprehensible scheme.
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