Srinaghar: A video circulating on social media, depicting a security forces personnel in uniform allegedly coercing an elderly Kashmiri citizen to chant 'Jai Shri Ram,' has ignited a wave of outrage and controversy in the region. The 9-second clip, which remains unverified, raises concerns about the treatment of Kashmiri Muslims and the potential abuse of power by officials.
In the viral footage, a masked security force personnel, adorned in a bulletproof jacket and standing in front of a security vehicle, is seen prompting the elderly Kashmiri man to utter the religious (Hindu) slogan. The elderly man, appearing confused, complies with the personnel's orders without resistance. The video also captures a kangari, a traditional Kashmiri firepot, placed on the ladder of the security forces' vehicle, seemingly belonging to the senior citizen and taken away before the video shoot.
National Conference Spokesperson Sara Hayat Shah expressed her dismay over the video on social media, stating, "Shocking! Man in uniform holds the arm of an Elderly Kashmiri Muslim man firmly, asks him to utter Religious (Hindu) slogan “Jai Shri Ram”. Wow! This is NAYA KASHMIR. Hoshiyaar, Khabardaar. ALLAHU-AKBAR."