Chitradurga (Karnataka) : In the government hospital of Bharamasagar village here, a pre-wedding shoot was done in the manner of an operation on a person. This video was leaked out and went viral on social media. After the video went viral, there was widespread criticism directed at the bride and the bridegroom.
Soon, it has gone to the notice of District Collector T Venkatesh, who has issued an order dismissing Dr. Abhishek. He has been serving as a contractual doctor of the hospital and he has been immediately dismissed from his service due to objectionable behavior and dereliction of duty.
According to reports, Doctor Abhishek is about to get married. In the video, he acted as a doctor doing the operation and his future wife is helping him in doing so. At the end of the video, there is a bit for a few seconds which showed the patient who lying there and who was seen sitting up as if he had undergone an operation.
Regarding this incident, Chitradurga DHO Dr. Renu Prasad said that action has been taken against the doctor concerned who was appointed as a medical officer in NHM on a contract basis. "The operation theater was closed for a few months. But the doctor did a pre-wedding shoot in the same theater. The theater has been misused. We have given a notice to the medical officer of Bharamasagar Hospital. We will check and take appropriate action," he said.
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