Kanpur:In a freak accident, a 14-year-old boy slashed the neck of his 11-year-old friend while enacting a religious drama where he was enacting the role of Goddess Kali in Uttar Pradesh's Kanpur. The victim was rushed to a hospital, but died while undergoing treatment. The incident took place at a village in the Bilhaur police station area on Wednesday night when the children were enacting a scene of Goddess Kali destroying a demon. The police shifted the body for postmortem and a case has been registered in this connection.
According to the police, 'Bhagwad Katha' was organised in the village on Wednesday. The event was supposed to end with a religious play staged by the local children. A 14-year-old child was playing the role of Goddess Kali and a group of other children played demons. While attacking the demons, the 14-year-old child carried a knife in his hand and accidentally slashed the throat of one of the children. The boy fell to the ground with severe wounds.