Godda (Jharkhand):A fake WhatsApp profile of Jharkhand's Godda deputy commissioner, Zeeshan Qamar, has been created for malicious intention, police said on Friday. On investigation it has been revealed that the fake account has links to Sri Lanka and police have asked people not to respond to the number.
During investigation, police found that the number of the fake WhatsApp account has '+94', which is the country code of Sri Lanka. This has raised suspicion that the cyber criminals have connections with Sri Lanka or the online fraud is being operated by fraudsters from the neighbouring country.
After the matter came to light, Godda DC Zeeshan Qamar alerted people through a message saying if they receive any call or message from "+94 784553672", they should immediately block the number. He has also asked people neither to respond to the number nor click on any given link.
Police have also told people to report if they come across any message from this account. "If someone demands money on WhatsApp in the name of Godda DC, be cautious. Avoid doing any kind of interaction with this number. Also, if you receive any suspicious message, inform the Deputy Commissioner's office and lodge a complaint with the police," an official said.